Core Haskell rules

Core Haskell rules


ghc_plugin(name, args, deps, module, tools)

Declare a GHC plugin.


    name = "plugin-lib",
    srcs = ["Plugin.hs"],

    name = "plugin",
    module = "Plugin",
    deps = [":plugin-lib"],

    name = "some-binary",
    srcs = ["Main.hs"],
    plugins = [":plugin"],

Plugins to use during compilation by GHC are given by the plugins attribute to Haskell rules. Plugins are haskell libraries with some extra metadata, like the name of the module that acts as the entrypoint for the plugin and plugin options.

See for more information.


name Name; required

A unique name for this target.

args List of strings; optional; default is []

Plugin options.

deps List of labels; optional; default is []

Plugin dependencies. These are compile-time dependencies only.

The dependencies of this attribute must provide: HaskellLibraryInfo

module String; required

Plugin entrypoint.

tools List of labels; optional; default is []

Tools needed by the plugin when enabled.


haskell_doc(name, deps, index_transitive_deps)

Create API documentation.

Builds API documentation (using Haddock) for the given Haskell libraries. It will automatically build documentation for any transitive dependencies to allow for cross-package documentation linking.


  name = "my-lib",

  name = "my-lib-doc",
  deps = [":my-lib"],


name Name; required

A unique name for this target.

deps List of labels; optional; default is []

List of Haskell libraries to generate documentation for.

index_transitive_deps Boolean; optional; default is False

Whether to include documentation of transitive dependencies in index.


haskell_import(name, deps, haddock_html, haddock_interfaces, hdrs, id, includes, linkopts,
               shared_libraries, static_libraries, static_profiling_libraries, version)

Internal rule. Do not use.

The attributes of this rule loosely correspond to the fields of the GHC package database. Refer to the GHC User’s Guide for documentation.


name Name; required

A unique name for this target.

deps List of labels; optional; default is []
haddock_html Label; optional; default is None
haddock_interfaces List of labels; optional; default is []
hdrs List of labels; optional; default is []
id String; optional; default is ""
includes List of strings; optional; default is []
linkopts List of strings; optional; default is []
shared_libraries List of labels; optional; default is []
static_libraries List of labels; optional; default is []
static_profiling_libraries List of labels; optional; default is []
version String; optional; default is ""


haskell_toolchain_library(name, package)

Import prebuilt libraries supplied by the toolchain.

Use this rule to make dependencies that are prebuilt (supplied as part of the compiler toolchain) available as targets.


    name = "base_pkg",
    package = "base",

    name = "hello-lib",
    srcs = ["Lib.hs"],
    deps = [


name Name; required

A unique name for this target.

package String; optional; default is ""

The name of a GHC package not built by Bazel. Defaults to the name of the rule.


haskell_binary(name, src_strip_prefix, srcs, extra_srcs, deps, narrowed_deps, data, ghcopts,
               repl_ghci_args, runcompile_flags, plugins, non_default_plugins, tools, worker,
               linkstatic, main_function, main_file, version, kwargs)

Build an executable from Haskell source.

Haskell source file names must match their module names. E.g.

My/Module.hs  -->  module My.Module

Any invalid path prefix is stripped. E.g.

Some/prefix/My/Module.hs  -->  module My.Module

Binary targets require a main module named Main or with the module name defined by main_function. If main_file is specified then it must have the main module name. Otherwise, the following heuristics define the main module file.

  • The source file that matches the main module name. E.g. Main.hs.
  • The source file that matches no valid module name. E.g. exe.hs.
  • The only source file of the target.

Every haskell_binary target also defines an optional REPL target that is not built by default, but can be built on request. The name of the REPL target is the same as the name of binary with "@repl" added at the end. For example, the target above also defines main@repl.

You can call the REPL like this (requires Bazel 0.15 or later):

$ bazel run //:hello@repl


    name = "hello",
    srcs = ["Main.hs", "Other.hs"],
    deps = ["//lib:some_lib"]


name required

A unique name for this rule.

src_strip_prefix optional; default is ""

DEPRECATED. Attribute has no effect.

srcs optional; default is []

Haskell source files. File names must match module names, see above.

extra_srcs optional; default is []

Extra (non-Haskell) source files that will be needed at compile time (e.g. by Template Haskell).

deps optional; default is []

List of other Haskell libraries to be linked to this target. Any module coming from a library in deps is available to be imported in any modules in this binary.

narrowed_deps optional; default is []

Like deps, but modules in these libraries can only be imported by modules listed in the modules attribute, and only if the corresponding haskell_module rules list such modules as dependencies. Note: This attribute is experimental and not ready for production, yet.

data optional; default is []

See Bazel documentation.,

ghcopts optional; default is []

Flags to pass to Haskell compiler. Subject to Make variable substitution.

repl_ghci_args optional; default is []

Arbitrary extra arguments to pass to GHCi. This extends ghcopts and repl_ghci_args from the toolchain. Subject to Make variable substitution.,

runcompile_flags optional; default is []

Arbitrary extra arguments to pass to runghc. This extends ghcopts and repl_ghci_args from the toolchain. Subject to Make variable substitution.

plugins optional; default is []

Compiler plugins to use during compilation. Every module is compiled with -fplugin=....

non_default_plugins optional; default is []

Like plugins but doesn’t pass -fplugin=... to modules by default.

tools optional; default is []

Extra tools needed at compile-time, like preprocessors.

worker optional; default is None

Experimental. Worker binary employed by Bazel’s persistent worker mode. See use-cases documentation.

linkstatic optional; default is True

Link dependencies statically wherever possible. Some system libraries may still be linked dynamically, as are libraries for which there is no static library. So the resulting executable will still be dynamically linked, hence only mostly static.

main_function optional; default is "Main.main"

A function with type IO _, either the qualified name of a function from any module or the bare name of a function from a Main module. It is also possible to give the qualified name of any module exposing a main function.

main_file optional; default is None

The source file that defines the Main module or the module containing main_function.

version optional; default is None

Executable version. If this is specified, CPP version macros will be generated for this build.

kwargs optional

Common rule attributes. See Bazel documentation.


haskell_library(name, src_strip_prefix, srcs, extra_srcs, deps, narrowed_deps, modules, data,
                ghcopts, repl_ghci_args, runcompile_flags, plugins, non_default_plugins, tools,
                worker, hidden_modules, reexported_modules, exports, linkstatic, package_name,
                version, kwargs)

Build a library from Haskell source.

Haskell source file names must match their module names. E.g.

My/Module.hs  -->  module My.Module

Any invalid path prefix is stripped. E.g.

Some/prefix/My/Module.hs  -->  module My.Module

Every haskell_library target also defines an optional REPL target that is not built by default, but can be built on request. It works the same way as for haskell_binary.


    name = "hello-lib",
    srcs = glob(["src/**/*.hs"]),
    src_strip_prefix = "src",
    deps = [
    reexported_modules = {
        "//hello-sublib:lib": "Lib1 as HelloLib1, Lib2",


name required

A unique name for this rule.

src_strip_prefix optional; default is ""

DEPRECATED. Attribute has no effect.

srcs optional; default is []

Haskell source files. File names must match module names, see above.

extra_srcs optional; default is []

Extra (non-Haskell) source files that will be needed at compile time (e.g. by Template Haskell).

deps optional; default is []

List of other Haskell libraries to be linked to this target. Any module coming from a library in deps is available to be imported in any modules in this library.

narrowed_deps optional; default is []

Like deps, but modules in these libraries can only be imported by modules listed in the modules attribute, and only if the corresponding haskell_module rules list such modules as dependencies. Note: This attribute is experimental and not ready for production, yet.

modules optional; default is []

List of extra haskell_module() dependencies to be linked into this library. Note: This attribute is experimental and not ready for production, yet.

data optional; default is []

See Bazel documentation.,

ghcopts optional; default is []

Flags to pass to Haskell compiler. Subject to Make variable substitution.

repl_ghci_args optional; default is []

Arbitrary extra arguments to pass to GHCi. This extends ghcopts and repl_ghci_args from the toolchain. Subject to Make variable substitution.,

runcompile_flags optional; default is []

Arbitrary extra arguments to pass to runghc. This extends ghcopts and repl_ghci_args from the toolchain. Subject to Make variable substitution.

plugins optional; default is []

Compiler plugins to use during compilation. Every module is compiled with -fplugin=....

non_default_plugins optional; default is []

Like plugins but doesn’t pass -fplugin=... to modules by default.

tools optional; default is []

Extra tools needed at compile-time, like preprocessors.

worker optional; default is None

Experimental. Worker binary employed by Bazel’s persistent worker mode. See use-cases documentation.

hidden_modules optional; default is []

Modules that should be unavailable for import by any Haskell module outside of this library.

reexported_modules optional; default is {}

A dictionary mapping dependencies to module reexports that should be available for import by dependencies.

exports optional; default is []

A list of other haskell libraries that will be transparently added as a dependency to every downstream rule

linkstatic optional; default is False

Create a static library, not both a static and a shared library.

package_name optional; default is ""

Library name used in version macro generation. Only used if the version attribute is defined, see version attribute documentation. Optional, defaults to target name.

version optional; default is ""

Library version. Not normally necessary unless to build a library originally defined as a Cabal package, or which is a dependency of a Cabal package. If this is specified, CPP version macro will be generated.

kwargs optional

Common rule attributes. See Bazel documentation.



Register GHC binary distributions for all platforms as toolchains.


kwargs optional


haskell_repl(name, deps, data, experimental_from_source, experimental_from_binary, repl_ghci_args,
             repl_ghci_commands, collect_data, kwargs)

Build a REPL for multiple targets.


    name = "repl",
    deps = [
    experimental_from_source = [
    experimental_from_binary = [

Collects all transitive Haskell dependencies from deps. Those that match experimental_from_binary or are defined in an external workspace will be loaded as binary packages. Those that match experimental_from_source and are defined in the local workspace will be loaded by source.

You can call the REPL like this:

$ bazel run //:repl

IDE Support (Experimental)

The haskell_repl macro also creates a runnable target name@bios that generates GHCi flags for hie-bios’s bios cradle. You can use this for IDE support with ghcide.

Given a haskell_repl target //:repl an example .hie-bios script could look as follows. Please refer to the hie-bios documentation for further information.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
bazel run //:repl@bios
  name: A unique name for this rule.
  deps: List of Haskell targets to load into the REPL.
  data: See [Bazel documentation]( Only available when `collect_data = True`.
  experimental_from_source: White-list of targets to load by source.
        Wild-card targets such as //... or //:all are allowed.

        The black-list takes precedence over the white-list.

        Note, this attribute will change depending on the outcome of
        Black-list of targets to not load by source but as packages.

        Wild-card targets such as //... or //:all are allowed.

        The black-list takes precedence over the white-list.

        Note, this attribute will change depending on the outcome of
        Arbitrary extra arguments to pass to GHCi. This extends `ghcopts` (previously `compiler_flags`) and `repl_ghci_args` from the toolchain. Subject to Make variable substitution.
        Arbitrary extra commands to execute in GHCi.
        Whether to collect the data runfiles from the dependencies in srcs, data and deps attributes.

  hie_bios_path_prefix: Attribute has no effect (now that we output absolute paths).


name required
deps required
data optional; default is []
experimental_from_source optional; default is ["//..."]
experimental_from_binary optional; default is []
repl_ghci_args optional; default is []
repl_ghci_commands optional; default is []
collect_data optional; default is True
kwargs optional


haskell_runfiles(name, module_name, base)

Convenience wrapper around rules_haskell runfiles library.

This wrapper is especially usefull with bzlmod, when a haskell library with runfiles is used from another module (see runfiles).


The haskell_runfiles rule is called in a BUILD file as follows, in order to generate the haskell_runfiles library (this default name can be customized).

  deps = [":haskell_runfiles"],

The library can then be used similarly to the runfiles library:

import Runfiles
r <- Runfiles.create
let location = Runfiles.rlocation r "module_name/path/to/datafile"


name optional; default is "haskell_runfiles"

A unique name for this rule.

module_name optional; default is "Runfiles"

The name of the generated haskell module

base optional; default is "@rules_haskell//tools/runfiles:base"

The label of the base library to depend on.


haskell_test(name, src_strip_prefix, srcs, extra_srcs, deps, narrowed_deps, data, ghcopts,
             repl_ghci_args, runcompile_flags, plugins, non_default_plugins, tools, worker,
             linkstatic, main_function, main_file, version, expected_covered_expressions_percentage,
             expected_uncovered_expression_count, strict_coverage_analysis, coverage_report_format,
             experimental_coverage_source_patterns, kwargs)

Build a test suite.

Haskell source file names must match their module names. E.g.

My/Module.hs  -->  module My.Module

Any invalid path prefix is stripped. E.g.

Some/prefix/My/Module.hs  -->  module My.Module

Binary targets require a main module named Main or with the module name defined by main_function. If main_file is specified then it must have the main module name. Otherwise, the following heuristics define the main module file.

  • The source file that matches the main module name. E.g. Main.hs.
  • The source file that matches no valid module name. E.g. exe.hs.
  • The only source file of the target.

Additionally, it accepts all common bazel test rule fields. This allows you to influence things like timeout and resource allocation for the test.


name required

A unique name for this rule.

src_strip_prefix optional; default is ""

DEPRECATED. Attribute has no effect.

srcs optional; default is []

Haskell source files. File names must match module names, see above.

extra_srcs optional; default is []

Extra (non-Haskell) source files that will be needed at compile time (e.g. by Template Haskell).

deps optional; default is []

List of other Haskell libraries to be linked to this target. Any module coming from a library in deps is available to be imported in any modules in this test suite.

narrowed_deps optional; default is []

Like deps, but modules in these libraries can only be imported by modules listed in the modules attribute, and only if the corresponding haskell_module rules list such modules as dependencies. Note: This attribute is experimental and not ready for production, yet.

data optional; default is []

See Bazel documentation.,

ghcopts optional; default is []

Flags to pass to Haskell compiler. Subject to Make variable substitution.

repl_ghci_args optional; default is []

Arbitrary extra arguments to pass to GHCi. This extends ghcopts and repl_ghci_args from the toolchain. Subject to Make variable substitution.,

runcompile_flags optional; default is []

Arbitrary extra arguments to pass to runghc. This extends ghcopts and repl_ghci_args from the toolchain. Subject to Make variable substitution.

plugins optional; default is []

Compiler plugins to use during compilation. Every module is compiled with -fplugin=....

non_default_plugins optional; default is []

Like plugins but doesn’t pass -fplugin=... to modules by default.

tools optional; default is []

Extra tools needed at compile-time, like preprocessors.

worker optional; default is None

Experimental. Worker binary employed by Bazel’s persistent worker mode. See use-cases documentation.

linkstatic optional; default is True

Link dependencies statically wherever possible. Some system libraries may still be linked dynamically, as are libraries for which there is no static library. So the resulting executable will still be dynamically linked, hence only mostly static.

main_function optional; default is "Main.main"

A function with type IO _, either the qualified name of a function from any module or the bare name of a function from a Main module. It is also possible to give the qualified name of any module exposing a main function.

main_file optional; default is None

The source file that defines the Main module or the module containing main_function.

version optional; default is None

Executable version. If this is specified, CPP version macros will be generated for this build.

expected_covered_expressions_percentage optional; default is -1

The expected percentage of expressions covered by testing.

expected_uncovered_expression_count optional; default is -1

The expected number of expressions which are not covered by testing.

strict_coverage_analysis optional; default is False

Requires that the coverage metric is matched exactly, even doing better than expected is not allowed.

coverage_report_format optional; default is "text"

The format to output the coverage report in.

Supported values: “text”, “html”. Default: “text”.

Report can be seen in the testlog XML file, or by setting –test_output=all when running bazel coverage.

experimental_coverage_source_patterns optional; default is ["//..."]

The path patterns specifying which targets to analyze for test coverage metrics.

Wild-card targets such as //… or //:all are allowed. The paths must be relative to the workspace, which means they must start with “//”.

Note, this attribute may leave experimental status depending on the outcome of

kwargs optional

Common rule attributes. See Bazel documentation.


haskell_toolchain(name, version, static_runtime, fully_static_link, tools, libraries,
                  asterius_binaries, ghcopts, repl_ghci_args, haddock_flags, cabalopts,
                  locale_archive, kwargs)

Declare a compiler toolchain.

You need at least one of these declared somewhere in your BUILD files for the other rules to work. Once declared, you then need to register the toolchain using register_toolchains in your WORKSPACE file (see example below).


In a BUILD file:

    name = "ghc",
    version = "1.2.3",
    static_runtime = static_runtime,
    fully_static_link = fully_static_link,
    tools = ["@sys_ghc//:bin"],
    ghcopts = ["-Wall"],

where @sys_ghc is an external repository defined in the WORKSPACE, e.g. using:

    name = 'sys_ghc',
    attribute_path = 'haskell.compiler.ghc822',



name required

A unique name for this toolchain.

version required

Version of your GHC compiler. It has to match the version reported by the GHC used by bazel.

static_runtime required

Whether GHC was linked with a static runtime.

tools required

GHC and executables that come with it. First item takes precedence.

libraries required

The set of libraries that come with GHC. Requires haskell_import targets.

asterius_binaries optional; default is None

An optional filegroup containing asterius binaries. If present the toolchain will target WebAssembly and only use binaries from tools if needed to complete the toolchain.

ghcopts optional; default is []

A collection of flags that will be passed to GHC on every invocation.

repl_ghci_args optional; default is []

A collection of flags that will be passed to GHCI on repl invocation. It extends the ghcopts collection.
Flags set here have precedance over ghcopts.

haddock_flags optional; default is []

A collection of flags that will be passed to haddock.

cabalopts optional; default is []

Additional flags to pass to Setup.hs configure for all Cabal rules.
Note, Cabal rules do not read the toolchain attributes ghcopts, compiler_flags or haddock_flags.
Use --ghc-option=OPT to configure additional compiler flags.
Use --haddock-option=OPT to configure additional haddock flags.
Use --haddock-option=--optghc=OPT if haddock generation requires additional compiler flags.

locale_archive optional; default is None

Label pointing to the locale archive file to use.
Linux-specific and mostly useful on NixOS.

kwargs optional

Common rule attributes. See Bazel documentation.


make_repl_kwargs(args_list, kwargs)

Create extra attributes for the auto-generated haskell_repl target.

Copies the extra attributes specified in args_list from the extra haskell_library|binary|test attributes listed in kwargs.

Adds a manual tag so that the REPL is not built by default.


args_list required
kwargs required



Aspect Attributes

deps String; required.
exports String; required.


name Name; required

A unique name for this target.



Haskell REPL aspect.

Used to implement the haskell_repl rule. Does not generate an executable REPL by itself.

Aspect Attributes

deps String; required.
narrowed_deps String; required.


name Name; required

A unique name for this target.